Monday, January 4, 2010

How to lose weight quickly

How to lose weight quickly and easily without taking kilos?

We can not consider work on the body easily without taking into account the psychological problems.

In ancient Greece, physical strength, beauty and good health were the criteria of excellence as essential as were the creative talents, intellect and moral character.

We believe that external beauty was a reflection of inner beauty. But today, are there many people know that it's taking care of our inner beauty that shows the external beauty? You probably know the saying: "Everything is inside, is seen outside. So, if the morning you look in the mirror, you do not like your picture, the problem lies somewhere within you ... ....

And if the cause of your overweight problem is a psychological, emotional or relational?

We eat to excess s'anesthésier, stifle the thoughts, emotions, feelings hurt. Some complain of a painful feeling of emptiness inside, while others (or themselves) speak instead of overflow. Eating becomes a way not to think, to hide the problems.

Eating is also a way to disguise its aggressiveness, its violence. Phrases like "I would have eaten" or "I hate my debased" illustrate the passage in the body of inexpressible emotions.
Learn how to lose weight, have a beautiful body without making life impossible!

To overcome overweight, it is not required to suffer, to delete everything you love or weigh themselves every day.

However, it must change its mindset regarding food, discover and eliminate his own psychological problems. That is to say, the psychological problems also pass through the body. It is the body that exposes us is the body that betrays us.

Do you know that our body has a memory?

He knows what needs to be consumed to support its operation. And normally when you've eaten enough, you're full. So if you do not take this bad habit of snacking between meals or watching TV without being hungry, you will not take any kilo.

But by requiring you to follow a low calorie diet (that is to say below the necessary), your body will be forced to dip into your reserves (it makes you lose weight). It then becomes accustomed to living "the economy", that is to say that to do the same thing, it will consume fewer calories so not too empty your reservations.

It is like with your money, for example, keeping a little aside: it reassures you, just in case!

When, after following your strict diet that hurts your body (do not forget, think about your health), and you've finally managed to lose the weight you want, you will resume a normal diet, without abuse . But your body, who remembers this period of scarcity will continue to live "the economy" and will automatically replenish your "if" another period of deprivation is present.

And so will your income pounds, and often there are 2 or 3 more. So your metabolism changes.

You are discouraged. Your morale is low, and there also is not good for your health. What will you do?

If you want to become thinner, this change begins in your mind.

Human beings can be transformed using psychological methods (yoga, hypnosis, behavioral therapy, meditation, neurolinguistic programming, transactional analysis, relaxation therapy ....). These methods have become more and more promising, but they all have a default, they require effort and time.

Here is a method that can convert effortlessly and in a short time:


This is to send information (suggestions) to your subconscious without going through your mind.

With the subliminal method, you will get your ideal weight and stay permanently.

No risk to your health, no side effects.

In addition, this method allows you to program your subconscious so that you can adopt new eating habits, change some habits. You get used to eat balanced, you unhesitatingly choose what is good for your body and your brain even as it also needs to be fed.

Liberated from your worries, your blocks, you'll trust you, and you live your life fully.

There is almost nothing to do, just leave you pleasantly guide to the result you expect. It's really very easy.

This method works on another level, working on the reasons that led you to being overweight. It helps you and you feel good on the track, thereby improving your motivation and accelerates results.

It provides quick results and sustainable, where other methods have failed.

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