Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The enthusiasm and charisma of the leader

Contrary to popular belief, enthusiasm and charisma are not necessarily innate, they can also be developed.

Many corporate leaders are great strategists, but good marketers do not have that little extra that would make them true leaders, leaders who gather around them teams to accomplish something great.

Some have this gift, others must address to develop their potential until they master the art of motivating a group united to make welded and boost its performance.

Here are some tips to work to become a "pro" in this art:

1) First consider that this gift is not innate but also from common sense.

A number of people have enough confidence to print in others their vision. But nobody is born a leader. One becomes.
And you too can develop your leadership by adopting the right attitudes and habits.

2) Cultivate an infectious enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is contagious. People feel the enthusiasm that comes from you and in turn enthuses. They adhere more easily to your goals, your projects. If you want to motivate your employees, you must yourself be motivated. Otherwise, your employees will not come out the best in themselves and their results will be very ways ... You must be an example of what you profess!

3) Make each person feel that is part of a group.
If even the smallest of you is valued and respected, treated as part of the group, then it will redouble its efforts to obtain good results. As a leader, your goal is to involve everyone. Never think that someone is not helpful. Each has unique qualities and asks only to prove it.
Trust and you will have excellent surprises, plus the satisfaction of being loved.

4) Communicate regularly
The best will tell you that boost your employees with a rhetoric does nothing. They must know the progression of events during the project unfolds. You need to continually ensure the involvement of people in the joint enterprise or service that it occupies communqiaunt regularly and arousing their interest.

5) Make everyone feel that it is unique.
If you do not have a genuine interest in your employees, they will not do more for you.
By treating each in a personal way, people will appreciate you better. In other words, to be a good leader must be human, considerate and fair, at work and at the city. In other respects, do them in proper arrangements for achieving the common goal.
If you really want others follow you, he will earn their trust and respect in this way. Love people and you all a clear vision of the future, with success at the rendezvous!

Thomas Bekkar strongly recommends learning self-hypnosis.
This technique of suggestion and visualization can help you quickly incorporate good habits and bad driving.

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