Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do you know the secret of a concrete motivation?

Read this carefully: I authorize you to give up a dream when your life is over. There, yes, you can you say something like: "I was too ambitious" or "my life was too short to achieve full" or "now is too late and only then, you can say you're right, but not before.
Do you like many people to have a concrete motivation requires a kind of reservoir energy which is inexhaustible? If you allow me, I'd like to bring a different view of the matter. When people engage in a way, they encounter an obstacle and then they stop. Often, they realize that reality is different from what they imagined, less easy initially and then they stop. Yes, you read correctly: it is the first obstacle that people leave. No second or third.
Why this phenomenon? The reason is simple. If you are able to get up after a first failure what will prevent you from getting up after the next and even the one after? Nothing. You will stay motivated no matter what happens the rest of your life. There are two kinds of people and you must be good.
To have a concrete motivation, you just have to learn to get up after a failure, nothing else. If you do not know you face one obstacle after you landed, you always abandon your dreams and your plans and spend the rest of your life to ruminate or you lament. You will be part of the class of people who leave at the first difficulty. By cons, if you've learned to get up if you fall and know that you continue your path, then you seem to have that boundless energy that will make you an individual determination of reinforced concrete. Then, you can trust me!
So here's a tip: do not look especially to achieve your goals! Well, whatever you smile? Believe me, this does not depend on you. Who knows what can happen? Who knows when you can actually achieve. It may take a thousand things and then you might get discouraged. No, be more reasonable, more down-to-earth content yourself moving in the right direction and getting up systematically after each obstacle, nothing more.
The result is the same anyway and then that is your real objective, your mission. It is your sole responsibility, one that depends only on you. Also, as and as you will see that the road extension will: learn what you want, develop the skills that are necessary or just use your friends, but mostly ... go!
You know, in life, few things are served on a tray. Of course there will be challenges, surprises. That is the challenge, the challenge. Are you able to cope? Ultimately, you want me to say? No matter if you reach the end because you can always say: "Hey, what road I have traveled! "And it will make you happy for the rest of your life ...

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