Monday, December 7, 2009

How to cook spices and herbs in the diet of Okinawa

The antioxidant spices, especially ginger and turmeric, garlic, onion powder or fresh, are incorporated into sauces and can be sprinkled on dishes savory, and cinnamon and powdered bark of citrus desserts.

Some spices and herbs used in Okinawa are easily accessible in the West. They probably will in the near future.
Many are easily accessible powder: Indian turmeric, ginger, galangal, sweet mustard, garlic, wild garlic, onion, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg, mace, cumin, and many mixtures, often with green herbs dried and powdered. They are also found in sequins. The pink peppercorns, cloves, nutmeg, thyme, bay leaves, anise, star anise, vanilla and cinnamon are also presented dry and whole, which can be used to flavor a dish during cooking, or better, in the final sauce, dessert, fruit, or to prepare an infusion.

We have the possibility to use different types of garlic and onion, shallot, ginger, galangal as fra ...? Che and raw, which generally gives both flavors and properties more powerful. The simplest is the r? Per to incorporate them into salads, sauces, soups, casseroles, stuffings, beverages (tea with added ginger r? Pe is particularly tonic). Although s? R, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla blend often better with fruits, desserts and sorbets, but this is not a taboo to use them in savory dishes, and in contrast to ginger or d ' Other spices in a fruit salad or sherbet. The Chinese are fond of candied ginger, the Indians make a sweet drink very powerful outcome of Ayurvedic medicine, which was highly diluted by the English (ginger ale).

When you have the choice forms fra? Ches and floods are often preferable. This is obviously easier for all herbs which we are familiar: chives, parsley, cilantro, basil, tarragon, dill, various mints, oregano, savory, thyme, wild thyme (a form of wild thyme), rosemary, bay, sage (eg soya, sage contains phyto-? estrogen), lovage (celery close), etc..

Spices and sauces aggressive as the various peppers, curry, chili, paprika, Tabasco sauce, harissa, should be used with great moderation, because inflammation of the digestive tract promotes the passage of poorly digested food c is the mechanism that allows food intolerances. Moreover, once absorbed, they ignite the vessels, hence the hémorro? Of, but also worsening defects venous return.

By cons, a little pepper or spice powerful can promote absorption of active ingredients of other spices. It is the interest of certain mixtures like curry or shichimi, but often all prepared mixtures are too aggressive. Just really a bit of pepper to get the benefits without the negative effects.
Sauces can incorporate an oil rich in omega 3 (rapeseed oil), or if it must be heated or for reasons of taste, olive oil, cream, soy (? Soybean cooking?) Or the p? you or miso shiro miso, with pureed vegetables, algae, fungi or fruit, spices, although s? r, and, if desired, vinegar. ? Okinawa, there is a black rice vinegar. You can use a variety of vinegars on the market today, including balsamic vinegar or apple, currently in vogue. They can be replaced by the tamari (soy sauce is less salty than the shoyu). These vinegars can be flavored with herbs such as mustard.

Salt? Well, we discover ourselves as small quantities can often suffice, and that the discretion of his presence, or even its absence, can easily become a quality, that leave more room for flavors usually crushed by it . Of course, now everyone knows that salt may contribute to hypertension and its complications such as stroke, heart attack or heart failure. It also encourages all situations of water retention which may be related to problems of venous return, giving? heavy legs?, cellulite, etc.. But most often ignores what the Japanese - who, unlike the old Okinawa, ate a lot of salt in vegetables marinated in brine - have learned to their cost: the excess salt is a very powerful factor of increased risk of stomach cancer. We know now that it is also a factor exacerbating osteoporosis: over the kidney allowed to pass the salt over the leak of calcium is important.

An idea: always add lemon juice. It enhances the flavor and enriching the cocktail of antioxidants (it is obviously rich in vitamin C, but also a particular family of flavonoids? Of the citroflavono? Of).


It is understood, we can open up a world of infinite flavors while doing good by eating every meal spices, herbs, and sauces from their association with well-chosen ingredients (good fat, especially!) that can be systematically included in any solid food or liquid.


One could add many little plants used, starting with tops that are usually thrown: carrot tops, turnip, radish ... and make beautiful aromatics, or we can mix for soups , of gaspachos, cocktail vegetable juice, nettles (a traditional recipe of our campaigns - and an excellent idea, since the nettle is rich in silicon, which is incorporated in the cartilage of joints and strengthens), leaves Dandelion and yet many universes that some leaders, such as Marc Veyrat, begin to explore. The world of wild grasses and mosses, and the world of flowers, the best known, the pungent flavor that is wonderful in salads, the nasturtium flower.
Caution: As with mushrooms, some herbs and some flowers are not edible. It is necessary to inquire.

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