Monday, December 28, 2009

Napoleon Hill tells you how to become rich!

Napoleon Hill is author of World Best Seller "Think and Get Rich" was the inspiration and motivation to millions of new affluent through these lessons.
My research led me to study the forces of the spirit with which we are all subject.
And it is exploring this area I came across a clue which enabled me to help millions of people find their destiny on earth.
I would describe my discovery in the simplest terms possible, to help you discover why it is true that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve, and this, whatever number of times you've failed before, or whatever may be the size of your goals and your hopes.
I had a first quick overview of the profound law that directs our thoughts, and by which we are able to direct our destiny in life and achieve all our goals, when I was coached by Andrew Carnegie in a seminar on the science of philosophy for success.
I'd just say to Mr. Carnegie that I feared that he chose the wrong person to give people the first course in philosophy of personal achievement, because of my youth, my lack of education, and my lack of finances.
At that time, Mr. Carnegie made a statement that I will never forget because it changed my whole life, and has opened the way to help change the lives of millions of people, some of they are not even born yet.
"Let me draw your attention to a great power that is under your control," said Mr. Carnegie. "A power that is more important than poverty. More important than the lack of education. More important than all your fears and your superstitions combined.
It is the power to take control of your own mind and direct it toward what you deeply want.
This profound power, "said Mr. Carnegie, is the gift of life. And it must be considered as the greatest of all gifts of man. It's the only thing the man has an undoubted right and he has full authority to control and direction.
When you speak of your poverty and your lack of education, said Mr. Carnegie, you are simply spirits to bring the power of your mind to attract you to these adverse circumstances. For it is certain that your spirit is nourished and your mind draws them to you.
Now you understand why it is so important to recognize that every success begins with a clear definition of your goal with a clear picture in your mind what you want in life.
Mr. Carnegie then continued his speech with a description of a great universal truth that has had such an impact on me that I started from this moment to give me new perspectives on life and myself set a goal so much higher than my previous ambitions he shocked friends and relatives when they were revealed.
Everyone said Mr. Carnegie, arrives on earth with the privilege to control his mental strength and move towards the goals we chose. But he has continued, each brings with him at birth, the equivalent of two envelopes scellées.L 'one is clearly labeled:

"The wealth that you can enjoy if you pick up your own mind and direct it towards goals of your own choice."
In the other by cons is a list of sanctions that will be incurred for failing to take possession of his mind.
And now, let me tell you, "said Mr. Carnegie," the contents of the two sealed envelopes
In one we may entitled "Resources" This is a list of benefits:
1. Good health
2. Peace of mind
3. A labor of love of your choice
4. Freedom from fear and anxiety
5. Positive Mental Attitude
6. Material wealth of your choice in quantities
In another envelope labeled "penalties", said Mr. Carnegie, "that this is another list:
1. Health Issues
2. Fear and anxiety
3. Indecision and doubt
4. Frustration and discouragement throughout life
5. Poverty and needs
6. Plus a host of ills: envy, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred and superstition
Now my mission in life is to help you, and all those who need my help to open and use the contents of the envelope entitled "Resources."
Here is what you should do if you want to write your own ticket to your new life.
I will describe for you in these simple instructions:
1. Get a small pocket notebook or a small notebook in which you enter on the first blank page with a clear description of your major desire in life.
Note to the situation or position or something that represents the idea that you get your success. And remember before you start writing your only limitations are those you set up your own mind or that others have created for you.
2. On page 2 of your notebook describe precisely what you intend to do in return for achieving the goal you want in life. Comm
3. Memorize your two statements: What you want and what you intend to give back to her and repeat at least a dozen times a day. And always end your statements by this expression of gratitude for the blessings that you were given at birth:
"I did not ask my subconscious mind more wealth, but more wisdom to choose wisely the gift that I received at birth as a power control my mind to direct him to my deep desires. "
If you are completely satisfied and happy with the idea to express this profound thought ... If you accept and express the same spirit of humble sincerity with which I have sent a new and better world will reveal himself to you. A world in which you see reflected the circumstances and things that you yourself have created.
And now, let me conclude this first visit, my favorite expression of gratitude:
"Universal Intelligence, I ask no more wealth, but more wisdom to the gift you gave me at birth, is able to monitor and manage wisely my mind to what I want deeply."

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