Monday, December 21, 2009

Save time by organizing!

Save time by organizing!

Do not waste time to try you want to do any and all costs immediately. You can not and it would eventually disrupt you totally.
Do not get carried away by the time yes but how? Make a schedule of tasks daily, weekly and daily.
Establish a real battle plan, as did many men known as Eisenhower programmed tasks according to their importance or urgency. Make the daily balance and determine what is important and what is urgent.
Important is not urgent and vice versa. Understand the distinction.
Ask yourself the right questions, namely: that spot is it urgent? This meeting is important? Instead of wasting time, as is often the case in meetings sterile time you eat, why not use all the modern tools such as videoconferencing, e-mails, meetings on the phone number?

Limit your vital stain. Make priorities. An effective method is to make modules. In each module, you rank in order of importance, you write what you have to do. For example in the module you put the message on to write or send, the module B in the list of contacts in the module C the list of short-term projects and so on. ... Then gradually as you completed a task you take it off and you go to something else. Good advice, fill your modules at 50 or 60%. Do not overestimate your abilities or you could blame.

Do you support the new technology

We live in a great time when you only have to press a button to instantaneously a correspondent residing at 8000 Miles from home, receive your message. Use and abuse of it. You save time and can handle directly, without having to go through a secretariat. Gains in time and money!

Use the PDA as possible. It allows you when you are on your computer, receive alerts, like if you write on a post-it. The advantage is that you do not care whether you read it or not. The alert will inform you in real time. More waste of time to browse the calendar. Your appointment you are recalled better than if it was your secretary herself. You know in real time what you have done and what remains to be done. Just program it.

Make yourself a schedule, this will allow you to manage documents by priority. All documents are to treat their place in the corresponding day. Remember to make check-lists, so a reminder that prevents you from forgetting. Do as for modules, list the steps, arrange them in order of importance or urgency, and as and their acts, tick and go to something else.

Bring order, be methodical

In a poorly ordered office, where all the papers and files piled anyhow, even people who say it again lose valuable time searching. A recent study demonstrated that 40% of administrative staff time is used to find files. Amazing is not it?
Not so much if you look like such people classify information for their telephone contact. Most, as logic, classify the names alphabetically. Until then logical and normal, but where it spoils it when these same people will be classified as company names alphabetically and assign a name. Let me explain: you are looking for Mr. Smith Technical Society Duroc. If you put Duroc company, Mr. Smith Technical Manager, you can find easily. But suppose you have forgotten that Mr. Smith is the Technical Society of Duroc. When you are looking for if you do not make a logical you lose a lot of time. A key time saver is the logic and common sense.

Store and Rate

A messy desk is not conducive to concentration and may also be wrong in terms of image. Store and rank up even if you think the loss of time at the moment, this time to store you will save a lot then.

Do not rely on your memory to remember everything. Note systematically all you have to do. Do not rely on your memory. Even the person with a phenomenal memory might forget a detail whose importance can defeat a major transaction for example.

I met a businessman who knew all the birth dates of children of its employees and on each anniversary was a small gesture towards them. He then will set a relationship conducive to good relations and good personnel management. Do you think it could rely on his memory for that?

For an entrepreneur, like many people, time is money. Wasting time is therefore losing money.

All this is clearly explained in the excellent guide by Christian Godefroy:

"My 59 Secrets and Techniques Personal Organizing Time"

Among them:

. The secret of Ernest Hemingway, never lose good ideas
. How to avoid overworking at the expense of his family
. The trick to reduce by half the jobs you hate
. How do you rid of spam
. How can it be that others who find solutions for you

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