Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How to get the type of listing desired with adsense

So you want to make money with Google AdSense and you want to target keywords paying, so that the clicks received pay more? Numerous AdSense beginners do not fully understand how ads are served on their pages, and they eventually do not see these ads appear well remunerated on their site.
It is a common problem, but it is easy to oust. When Google indexes your pages, it looks something very specific. He looks at your title tag, it looks at your content, it looks tags "Alt" graphics and links, and he looks at the text used for the anchor text of your links.
These are all important elements in optimizing for search engines.
And Google uses this same method to determine which ads to be served on your pages.
It is therefore very important to get it right from the start. Make sure the content your page contains your keywords targeted to the tune of 6% of your content.
Once you have good content that contains the density of keywords than 6%, to highlight those keywords. Google likes words that are in bold.
Using tags in your HTML code to only highlight in bold the keywords you want to target for high-paying clicks. You can also enlarge the text from the rest.
This requires some work and you must adjust and tune your pages until those well-paying ads displayed on your pages. When you work, do not click on ads on your site! It is against the Google AdSense and this can cause immediate termination of your account.
Using the tool of choice of keyword for Google to find keywords that pay the most fiercely and target these keywords?

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